Trying to keep up with work, school, and life at home was too much even for someone like me who prides himeself in organization.
I had project plans, kanban boards, and spreadsheets all tracking the multitude of things i was working on but tasks were still falling through the cracks. “set up a follow-up meeting” was in OneNote, while “Build Diagram of ‘X’ process” was in my email. One night last week I was up until 3AM and having a minor panic attack because I literally couldn’t stop thinking about everything that needed to be done and where my lists were. My lists had lists! So after watching some videos about Getting Things Done (GTD) I purchase OmniFocus. Been using it for a week now and it literally has allowed me to sleep again!
Project plans and Kanban boards are still great places for the high level work, but OmniFocus is my dumping ground for every “idea”, “small task”, or “area that I will organize later”. If you need a dumping ground, or are a “sticky-note-a-holic”, try this program. You can download a trial, but honestly, unless you’re going to jump in then don’t bother because I had the trial before and never used it. Once I had the NEED to use it, I didn’t even flinch with the cost.
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